- Characters will start with 1000 experience points.
- Characters will be generated using the 32 point buy systems.
- Characters may be of any race within the following guidelines.
| The race must be roughly humanoid in appearance. |
| The race must be normally visible. |
- Characters may not be evil although you may play a race that is inherently
- You will not need to create a background for your character, one
will be supplied.
- All characters may freely multi-class with Cleric. Paladins and
Monks may mix levels with Cleric without penalty.
- If you wish to play a race that has an ECL greater than two, you may
create a leveled progression for your race. You must progress through
all race levels before you gain class levels.
- If you wish to play a cleric, you must choose Heironeous as your
patron deity.